
The Silkie babies

I've had a first time mama sitting on some eggs for 3 weeks now. She's actually in the sale pen (go figure, right?) She's really pretty and I would put her in my regular flock, but I already have enough black Silkie hens. *sigh* So Thursday night there was some excitement in the sale pen with her yelling her head off and another hen hightailing it outta the coop. 

I went to check it out and she had 2 babies and a bunch of pips! By Friday morning she had 6 babies and 1 egg left that was pipped....she took the babies out to play though and left that poor little egg to get cold. (don't worry, I rescued him and stuck him in the incubator where he hatched out!)

fluffy chicken with her babies

They had so much fun playing in the sunshine and eating scrambled eggs! They chased tiny little bugs all morning. lol 

fluffy baby chicks

I need to figure out what the heck is going on though since she's been on hold for someone for awhile. Since the order is just for a 'black Silkie hen' (sight unseen) I might sub the other hen and sell this one to the lady that wants 1 hen and 2 Marans chicks. Hmmmm...that might work! I can switch chicks while she's sleeping tonight. Sounds like a plan to me!

Today is chore day. All the coops with shavings are getting cleaned and their contents dumped into the garden and compost pile. (straw lined coops are next week) Hubby got a load of horse manure from the neighbors once that's all dumped on he will till it in and let it set a few more weeks before planting. It's supposed to be a high of 70 today so we should get a lot done.

farmhouse, tractor and chickens

Have a great Saturday!



  1. Hi, it's Kirsten from Sustainable Suburbia here. I just popped over from the linky list, and had to comment, they are sooo cute! We used to have silkies, but we've never had chicks (of any kind), though it's been on my list of things I wanted to do this year (too late, it's nearly winter). Have to wait till it's warm again.

    1. I think so too! You should get some this coming summer, they are so cute to watch!
      Thanks for stopping!


  2. They are so cute when they are little! :)

    New follower hoping on by from the Great Blog Train Linkup!

    Krys @ Sunshine&Rain

    1. Aww thanks! I love the pictures of your dog, he's so cute! We have a pup that turned into a monster too lol


  3. Oh, what cute babies! One of our hens, Ruby, was such a good mother. She was so very protective of her babies. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Awww, that's so sweet. Nothing better then watching a mam hen take care of her chicks!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. How exciting! My bantam mama just hatched her chicks, too! Here is my post: I am a new follower who found you on the train linkup; hope you'll return it! :D Have a lovely day.

    1. Going to check out your post now! Thanks for stopping by!

