
DIY Popsicle's for dogs!

It's been in the 80's here for the last few days and we're all hanging out in the air conditioning as much as possible. It's been miserable! I feel awful for the animals, they just seem so uncomfortable in this heat. We were sitting outside eating yogurt Popsicles and the dogs were begging for them when I started to think about whether I could give them one or not. One thought leads to another and I decide that I can make them some dog safe popsicle's. 

pupsicles for dogs

This idea leads to the internet and an overload of recipes and methods. I sorta mix matched them all together and this is what I came up with: 

Dog popsicle recipe

We have 3 dogs, 2 small and 1 large so I got out 2 different sizes of disposable cups. I used a small pack of dog food I had gotten as a sample, some crushed ice, a few larger bones and some peanut butter. I layered the ice and bits of dog food with a dab of peanut butter here and there then filled them all with cold water. I put them into the freezer until solid.

dog popsicle ingredients

When we peeled the cups away and gave them to the dogs they were so excited! Lulu took hers and ran to the side of the house to eat it in peace. Ashley and Bear sat on the patio but kept trying to steal each others! 

pupsicle diy

I've made them several times since then. I added over-ripe banana slices, some pureed pumpkin, mixed a little beef broth with the water...all kinds of different things that they like. It's really helped them to beat the heat this summer!

dog popsicle treats


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  1. Looks like that's filled with all kinds of dog goodness! :)

    1. It is...and the best part is that you can add whatever your dog likes!


  2. Oh thank you for this post I have three fur babies that i'm always looking for summer treats. New follower from

    1. Try it...they will love it!
      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. I feel bad for my dog, too, especially since we don't have air conditioning. She loves to lay on the cold tile. This would be great for her!

    1. OUr crazy dogs love to sit outside even though we do have ac! lol Crazy, right? Try it, your dogs will love it!


  4. What a great idea. We need to make these for our dogs. We are featuring it at this week party Wednesday's Adorned From Above Party tonight. Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly

    1. Thanks so much! How flattering!!!! (I'm blushing now!)


  5. Wow, what a great treat for the dogs. I put peanut butter in kongs and freeze them and they love them. I am a new GFC.
    Have a wonderful week,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

    1. Great idea! I'm going to try that! Heading over to check out your blog now!


  6. We have four shih-tzus and I think they would really enjoy this! We'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop! We'd love to have you back again tomorrow:
