
How to make herbal sleep tea

Ever have one of those nights that you can't sleep, so you lay awake looking at the clock and playing the 'how many hours of sleep will I get if I fall asleep right now' game? I have that problem from time to time and years ago I turned to herbal teas to help me sleep. There are a few teas that I really like and have used for years before I started growing my own herbs. 

Herbal sleep tea | natural healthcare

Growing my own herbs was a total game changer! Herbs from my own garden were fresher, cheaper and I had more of a variety to choose from. I grow about 30 herbs each year and probably a dozen or so have made it into my sleep blends from time to time. 

Though I do like to change it up a little, I usually come back to the same blend. In honor of January being National Hot Tea month...I'll let you in on my secret!

Most people have heard of chamomile and know it's used for its sleep inducing properties. One of the first herbal teas I made was a chamomile tea. For this tea I am going to use chamomile but I'm adding a few others herbs too. This is the recipe:

Herbal sleep tea recipe

I combine all this in a small glass jar. Shake jar gently to mix and use about a tablespoon per cup. (recipe makes about 3 servings) I like to boil water in a kettle not the microwave. 

Herbs for a sleep tea

While the water is heating up I fill my tea infuser with the tea blend. I crush the herb blend between my finger as I'm adding it to the infuser to release the flavor and essential oils. I use this sleek tea infuser because it has very small holes so very few herb pieces get through. 

As soon as the water starts to boil, pull it off the heat. Pour into your cup and add your infuser. Cover and let steep about 5-10 minutes. 

Covering the tea as it steeps is important so the steam doesn't escape. You don't want the essential oils that are in the herbs to evaporate away with the steam. So if you can, keep it covered until it's done steeping. 

Once the time is up just pull out your infuser and you're ready to go. you can add a little honey if you like it sweeter, I usually just drink it plain. 

Herbal sleep tea, chamomile, lemon balm

This tea tends to have a bit of a floral taste  from the lavender so if you don't care for that, just skip the lavender. I found that using culinary lavender has a less floral taste, but it's not always listed on the package or plant when you buy them. 

If the tea doesn't seem to help you very much after a few days you could add some valerian root. Only add a teaspoon of valerian to the whole mixture but steep 10-15 minutes instead.

Don't forget to store your herb mix properly. I like to use glass jars and put them in a cool, dark cabinet.

I happen to grow my own herbs but if you don't you can order them online or find them in grocery stores. I prefer to buy them from health food stores though and if possible I always choose organic. 

If all you have is  the grocery store for herbal teas, my old standby is Celestial Seasonings Lemon Jasmine Sleepytime tea. I like to carry this one with me when I travel since I sometimes have trouble falling asleep in a hotel.

If you want to learn more about herbs, the Herbal Academy has some amazing online classes. I've taken a few and found them to be really informative. Or check out my other posts on using herbs in everyday life.


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I am not a doctor or other health care professional nor do I claim to be. I am not trained in any medical field. I am simply passing on information that has worked for me. This information is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. see a Dr if you are ill. Click for my full disclaimer.

(This post contains affiliate links. If you chose to purchase something through the link, I will get a small payment from Amazon. It will not affect your purchase price. Click for full disclosure.)


  1. I like the herb combination. I will deffinitly try this tea!

  2. I need to drink more teas. Trying to get away from soft drinks. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know how you feel about the soft drinks! They are so hard to resist!
      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. I love sleepy time tea too. Thanks for the recipe I may need to make my own! Thanks for linking up at #MerryMonday!

  4. I am such a fan of herbal tea. Perfect for chillin at bedtime. Thanks for sharing! #HappyNowLinkUp

  5. I used to drink a lot more herbal tea. Our kettle went unused for so long that now I don't really drink tea anymore, but this makes me want to start up again. Thanks for sharing what sounds like a delicious recipe!

  6. Just like you Lisa, we're so lucky to be have a garden that's big enough to grow our own herbs. Nothing comes close to the taste of fresh home grown herbs and I was just trying to find something to do with all our lemon balm, it's taking over at the moment so I'm really glad to have found your recipe. I'll be trying some tonight ;-)

    1. Lemon Balm is as bad as mint when it comes to taking over the garden! I had to plant mine both in sunken pots this year to keep them contained. Enjoy your tea!


  7. Great choice of herbs! Thank you for sharing your recipe with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  8. Good morning! Just a little note to let you know we have FEATURED this post today on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  9. This great post is a GARDEN feature on the March You're the STAR blog hop:
    Thank you & please link up your most recent posts!
